austrálsky farmársky seriál

Jeremy Quaid (Rhys Muldoon)

Dátum a miesto narodenia: 17. 10.; New Castle, Nový Južný Wales, Austrália

- je vysoký 183 cm
- v roku 2000 bol nominovaný na cenu AFI (Australian Film Industrie) Award za rolu v seriáli "Grass Roots"



Infamous Victory: Ben Chifley's Battle For Coal (2008) (TV film) .... Edgar Ross

Valentines Days (2008) (TV film) .... Ben Valentine
Bitter & Twisted (2008) .... Donald Carn
Emerald Falls (2008) (TV film) .... Paul Ferguson

BlackJack: Ghosts (2007) (TV film) .... Dave Halfpenny

"Lockie Leonard" (2007) .... Sarge Leonard

"Bastard Boys" (2007) .... Julien Burnside
Second Chance (2005) (TV film) .... Lloyd Regalton
The Saviour (2005) .... Tony
The Extra (2005) .... Curtis Thai-Buckworth

"The Secret Life of Us" .... Frank Goodman:
4x10 - When the Bell Rings (2005)
4x09 - Facing It (2005)
4x08 - Gathering of Tribes (2005)
4x07 - Rocks and Chameleons (2005)
4x06 - The Crisis of Questions (2005)
4x05 - Kicking the Habit (2005)
4x04 - The Mysteries of Attraction (2005)
4x03 - Stretching the Friendship (2004)
4x02 - The Truth About Cats and Dogs: Part 2 (2004)
4x01 - The Truth About Cats and Dogs: Part 1 (2004)
3x22 - Let the Burning Begin (2003)
3x21 - Playing with Fire (2003)
3x20 - The Saturn Return (2003)
3x18 - Only the Brave, or the Dumb (2003)
3x14 - The People You Meet (2003)
3x09 - Nature or Nurture? (2003)
3x07 - This Is Now (2003)
3x05 - A Square Peg in a Round Hole (2003)
3x01 - The End Is the Beginning (2003)
"McLeod's Daughters" .... Jeremy Quaid:

5x05 - Return of the Black Queen (2005)
5x04 - Once Were Heroes (2005)
The Crop (2004) .... Wack
"Grass Roots" (2000-2003) .... Greg Dominelli

Danny Deckchair (2003) .... Sandy Upman

"Young Lions" .... sudca Paul Bergan:
1x20 - Bill's Death (2002)
1x19 - Grand Prix (2002)
1x14 - Kickboxer on Trial (2002)
"The Lost World" .... Blum:

3x02 - The Travelers (2001)
"Blue Heelers":
8x26 - Charming (2001) .... Simon Winter
3x12 - Happy Families (1996) .... Geoff Grimshaw
"Water Rats" .... John Wade:
5x29 - We Could Be Heroes (2000)
2x12 - Counting the Beat (1999)
"Farscape" .... Staanz:

1x12 - The Flax (1999)
"Big Sky" (1997-1999) .... Jimbo James

 Mumbo Jumbo (1999) (TV film) .... Hugo

"Driven Crazy" .... McAvity:
1x04 - One Shot Toothpaste (1998)
"The Silver Brumby" (1998) (hlas)
Gristle (1998) .... Doug
"The Genie from Down Under" (1996) .... Bruce

"Us and Them" (1995) .... Nick

"Funky Squad" (1995) .... Ashley
Ladykiller (1994) .... Chris
"G.P." .... reverend Tom Braithwaite:
5x19 - Alone: Part 2 (1993)
"Time Trax":
1x02 - To Kill a Billionaire (1993)
"Snowy River: The McGregor Saga" .... strážnik Edward Dengate:
2x06 - The Long Arm of the Law (1993)
"Acropolis Now" .... Uri:
3x12 - Back in the U.S.S.R (1990)
"Chances" (1991) .... Ben Taylor
The Great Air Race (1990) (TV film) .... Jimmy Melrose

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